Stop the Build

TinyTRA is proud to support the Stop the Build Campaign

The "Stop the Build" campaign is an initiative led by a group of citizens from all backgrounds, walks of life, and political affiliations from Thunder Beach to the Tiny Flos Townline, brought together by a shared concern for the potential financial burden and lack of transparency surrounding this project. Our mission is to halt the proposed Municipal Administration Building project.

Why We Oppose the New Municipal Administration Building

Financial Impact: The proposed building project threatens to impose substantial costs, significantly higher than those estimated by the council's chosen consultants. This could lead to considerable tax increases, placing a heavy financial burden on our small community with its modest tax base.

Economic Context: In light of the dramatic economic changes over the past few years, including the aftermath of the COVID pandemic, high inflation, and global conflicts, our local economy is less capable of supporting such an extravagant project.

Lack of Mandate: The new building issue was not adequately discussed during the last election campaign, leaving the current council without a clear mandate from the voters to proceed with the project.

Alternative Solutions: Council has not sufficiently explored other options, such as remote/hybrid work policies, downsizing the municipal civil service, or renovating the existing facility, which would be more fiscally responsible.

Our Call to Action

We believe that such a significant decision should not be made without the direct input of the people. Therefore, TinyTRA is joining the call for a referendum on this issue. A referendum would allow all residents to have a say in this critical matter, ensuring that the decision reflects the will of the community.

Join Us

We invite all concerned residents and tax payers to join TinyTRA in supporting the Stop the Build Campaign. Together, we can ensure that the township's decisions are made transparently and in the best interests of its residents. Your involvement is vital to halting this project and advocating for responsible governance in Tiny Township.

TinTRA News has a wealth of information on the project and join us in protecting the future of Tiny Township.

For more info, visit the website