A persuasive member group with the ability to successfully guide municipal public policy and calls to action through community involvement.

Welcome to the

Tiny Township Residents' Alliance


We are a community-driven platform committed to fostering transparency and fiscal responsibility in our beloved township. While some may categorize us as a "rate payer's association," we're much more than that. We're a collective of passionate individuals united by a common goal: to amplify the voices of our residents on the issues that truly matter.

At the heart of our alliance lies a dedication to ensuring that the concerns and aspirations of every member of our community are heard and addressed. Whether it's advocating for prudent financial management, championing sustainable development, or promoting open communication between residents and local authorities, we strive to be a catalyst for positive change.

Join us in our mission to cultivate a stronger, more vibrant Tiny Township. Together, we can shape the future of our community and build a legacy of accountability and empowerment for generations to come. Sign up now to lend your voice to our collective efforts and make a difference where it matters most.